Literature Review: Comparison between Open and Closed Techniques in Rhinoplasty

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Paola Saskia Castañeda Anaya
Héctor Alan Mendoza Sánchez


Rhinoplasty, a popular cosmetic surgery, offers two primary techniques: open and closed. This literature review compares the theoretical framework, surgical treatment, and complications of both approaches. While the closed technique provides no visible external scars and shorter surgical time, the open technique offers improved precision for complex cases. Both techniques have unique advantages, and the choice should be tailored to individual patient characteristics and desired outcomes. Ongoing research will continue to enhance rhinoplasty techniques and outcomes.

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How to Cite
Paola Saskia Castañeda Anaya, & Héctor Alan Mendoza Sánchez. (2023). Literature Review: Comparison between Open and Closed Techniques in Rhinoplasty. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(8), 1545–1547.


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